And following a relaxing week...was a VERY relaxing weekend...I have spent my first weekend alone in the house...well when I say alone...yes I still have my eight legged friends and Alexandre was still I wasnt completely alone...I got up late on Saturday morning following a VERY early night on Friday as both of the kerosene lamps had some sort of problem staying did one of the head torches...and I didnt think to use candles...I just went to bed...on getting up...I decided that today would be the day I tested out my culinary, domestic and DIY it started with dried beans...I soaked them over night...then I cooked them...and cooked the,...and cooked them some, they tke a long old time to cook...while I was cooking the beans...I set off some eggs on the other stove...only when I went to blow the stove out...I nealry set myself alight...this happened several times until finally I think Alexandre took pity upon me and had to come over and blow it out for took him a good few tries...and I think it either singed his face or else it was covered in a kerosene he had to go and wash his face afterwards...I dont think he trusts my blowing out of the stoves as now...whenever I cook and go inside...I can here him outside, blowing!!! ha ha ha!!!! The beans finally cooked and I made them into a sort of stew/sauce thing with tomatoes...check me out...I havent cooked for the best part of four years and now I am Rwanda's very own Delia Smith...Then it was for the domestic and DIY skills...I say domestic...really it was just setting up the solar shower...which in all fairness doesnt need that much setting up...but some DIY skills were required in order to hang out I went to the shower room with the freaky child on the wall...armed with a washing line and a pair of the beam I wanted to hang the shower from was too high...I had to make a loop of washing line over the beam and tied it...then got another piece...tied that around the handle and then through the loop...and it worked a treat...for the first time in several weeks...I had a hot shower...which also meant that I was able to get all of the shampoo out of my hair!!!! I love it...thank you so much is awesome!!!!! SUnday was spent pretty much the same way...except...who ever heard of builders who work on a sunday...well they bloody well do here...and not just a Sunday...but 7am on a Sunday morning...there they were..decked out is shell suits (I really hope one of them wheres his again as it is super special and I want a photo of it...truth be known...I actually want the shell will see why if I ever get the picture!!!) HAMMERING!!!!! I was soooooooooooooo cross...actually, I wasnt at all...although I am not entirely sure why not!!!! I had another hot solar shower...and I feel nearly completely was only when using the solar shower...I realised the bits you avoid washing in cold water...mostly your matter how much or how often you do NEVER get used to having cold water poured down your back!!! But warm water....awesome...they onley bit of me that is still dirty are my feet...but I have resigned myself to the fact that that is just how they are going to be from now on...a kind of mottled, foot colour, orange (from the sand/dust) and green (from the bedding) Fun times!!!! So I can honestly say I am showered and rested.
Hi Sarah its really funny reading your exploits its good to know that you are at last able to have a shower now that my boiler has been fitted I had a very luxurious bath last night I too have been without hot water for two wekks and I can relate so well with the cold water on your back routine Brrrrrrr...... Lots of love mum xx