Tuesday 20 October 2009

International Monday Sadness...

Monday 19th October 2009
Why is it that no matter where you are in the world...Monday mornings always leave you with that feeling of dread...that runs through your entire body...well...that is exactly how I felt when I woke this morning and remembered that I had the dreaded 2 hour morning meeting ahead of me...on arrival at the district office...it became apparent that this morning was going to be even more painful then my previous experiences of the meeting...Alexis was nowhere to be seen...which meant no translation...into English or even French...oh the sadness...but, taking me somewhat by surprise...the meeting was drawn to a close after just 1 hour and 40 minutes...woooooohoooooooo!!!!!! SO why was I the only one celebrating?...Maybe because my favourite kind of people are going to make an appearance next Monday...and who are these people??? THE INSPECTORS!!!! Thankfully they will not be interested in the volunteers...but everybody else in the meantime has a lot of work to do...especially as there are a lot of people with new jobs and extra responsibilities...Because Alexis was in hiding...there was no key to education office...so I camped out in the district for the day...Lunchtime came...and we walked back to the house with one of the men from the office...my word...some of you guys think I walk slowly...this man put me to shame...I had to keep adjusting my speed to slow down for him...Spent the rest of the afternoon in exactly the same place as I always do...Alexis did finally put in an appearance and it turns out he had been in a meeting...where are about what I am still trying to work out!!! He was just going to head over to the education office...but it was looking very much like it was going to rain very heavily at any given moment...Alexis assured us that he was going to go...but would run (the journey would still take a good 10 minutes to run!!...and Alexis NEVER runs anywhere!) I must say that I was impressed to see that he upped his pace and was definitely walking faster than usual...whether it could be called a run though is another matter...he made it about 5 metres to the gate...then he must have got tired as he was starting to slow...lucky for him...a person on a motorbike came along just at the right time...he hopped on the back and I am in no doubt that he made it to the office before the rains really kicked in...I really do like Alexis...but the man really has no idea what running actually is!!! Finally we headed home for the final instalments of Pride and Prejudice, and some proper...yes proper...chocolate...from our friends at green and blacks...yum yum yum...

1 comment:

  1. Good to read what youre getting up to !! A bit of rain never hurt anybody providing you dont catch cold and I doubt that somehow so near to the equator. Green and Blacks you should send them an email try for the sympathy vote you never know they might even send you some samples its worth a try.Am on half term this week and looking forward to the family arriving on Wed staying till Fri. Weather here has taken a notch cooler but sun remains bright and thats worth a lot.Still been unable to find your pictures cant seem to find where to tap in at all I know Im retarded when it comes to technology but please enlighten me. Lots of love mum xx
